full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Shohini Ghose: A beginner's guide to quantum computing

Unscramble the Blue Letters

We get to be explorers in a quantum welnodrand. Who knows what aniapltcpios we will discover next. We must tread callefury and responsibly as we build our quantum future. And for me, personally, I don't see quutanm physics as a tool just to build quantum computers. I see quantum computers as a way for us to pobre the mysteries of nature and reveal more about this hidden world outside of our experiences. How amazing that we humans, with our relatively limited access to the universe, can still see far beyond our horizons just using our imagination and our ingenuity. And the universe rrwaeds us by showing us how incredibly interesting and surprising it is.

Open Cloze

We get to be explorers in a quantum __________. Who knows what ____________ we will discover next. We must tread _________ and responsibly as we build our quantum future. And for me, personally, I don't see _______ physics as a tool just to build quantum computers. I see quantum computers as a way for us to _____ the mysteries of nature and reveal more about this hidden world outside of our experiences. How amazing that we humans, with our relatively limited access to the universe, can still see far beyond our horizons just using our imagination and our ingenuity. And the universe _______ us by showing us how incredibly interesting and surprising it is.


  1. carefully
  2. rewards
  3. wonderland
  4. probe
  5. applications
  6. quantum

Original Text

We get to be explorers in a quantum wonderland. Who knows what applications we will discover next. We must tread carefully and responsibly as we build our quantum future. And for me, personally, I don't see quantum physics as a tool just to build quantum computers. I see quantum computers as a way for us to probe the mysteries of nature and reveal more about this hidden world outside of our experiences. How amazing that we humans, with our relatively limited access to the universe, can still see far beyond our horizons just using our imagination and our ingenuity. And the universe rewards us by showing us how incredibly interesting and surprising it is.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
quantum computer 14
quantum physics 4
light bulb 4
percent chance 3
quantum computers 3
quantum properties 3
health care 2
computer won 2
future quantum 2
quantum technologies 2
quantum uncertainty 2
drug development 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
quantum computer won 2

Important Words

  1. access
  2. amazing
  3. applications
  4. build
  5. carefully
  6. computers
  7. discover
  8. experiences
  9. explorers
  10. future
  11. hidden
  12. horizons
  13. humans
  14. imagination
  15. incredibly
  16. ingenuity
  17. interesting
  18. limited
  19. mysteries
  20. nature
  21. personally
  22. physics
  23. probe
  24. quantum
  25. responsibly
  26. reveal
  27. rewards
  28. showing
  29. surprising
  30. tool
  31. tread
  32. universe
  33. wonderland
  34. world